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Sharkie Club

A collection of 10,000 strong sharks asking for help to save the Peruvian coasts due to the oil spills that destroyed their ecosystem.

The Sharkie’s are a collection of Sharks made in PixelArt that need your help to save all the marine species that are being affected, which are the livelihood of more than 1500 artisanal fishermen. Let’s save Sharkie! 🦈 🌍

Road map📜

✅ 25% minted

MATIC Draw: 10 owners will be chosen randomly and will receive 1000 MATIC

✅ 50% minted

Re – Adoption: We will recover 10 Sharkies by buying them for a value of 1000 MATIC each Land Acquisition at The Sandbox.

✅ 75% minted

Giveaways: 15000 MATIC will be raffled among the owners and will be given to 15 owners randomly and equally.

✅ 100% minted

Start of a new world: ¡We did it! It’s time to start helping the Peruvian coasts!

We will also start with a new mutant collection of sharkies, which every owner of the community will be able to adopt one for free.

Erstellt am
Feb 2022