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Photon's Dream X-rays by Harvey Rayner | patterndotco

If you already own a Photon’s Dream mint you may make an offer for the corresponding X-ray for 25% less than current floor and I will accept it within 24 hours as long as the X-ray is not purchased.

Photon's Dream X-ray variants use the original ArtBlocks hashes to generate new variants that reveal the quasicrystal waveforms underpinning Photon’s Dream. Photon's Dream on Artblocks

This is the first time an Art Blocks project has been augmented in this way. There is still one more Photon’s Dream series variant in the works that will drop later in the year.

All proceeds from this project are going into a fund to support unestablished trad artists find new ways to harness the NFT eco system to support their practices. I will be revealing more about this in the coming year.

Erstellt am
Jun 2022