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Pass the Baton

Pass the Baton is an art project celebrating Tommie Smith’s iconic raised-fist protest for human rights from the podium during the medal ceremony in the 1968 Olympic Games. Inspired by the baton Tommie used in four record-breaking races, 7,872 digitally-rendered baton NFTs bring Tommie’s salute and message of unity and perseverance to digital space. In partnership with 24 advocates, activists, and changemakers fighting for human rights—Tommie’s Legacy Team—the project uses blockchain technology to drive meaningful change. As batons are passed, smart contracts trigger donations to nonprofits selected by the Legacy Team members on each baton. As donations grow, the batons evolve with rarer attributes. Civil rights is an intergenerational struggle, and this project creates vital ongoing support for those that carry the baton for future generations.

Erstellt am
Dec 2021
  • Property: Jotaka eaddy