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My mother's story

For years, my mother spent her life working for her children and for their happiness. She worked in the fields. She was repairing old fishing nets. She was looking after her cows. She was taking care of her children and feeding them with the vegetables she grew in the field without spending any money. She wasn’t buying clothes for herself so she could do that for her children. She did not eat so her children would not stay hungry. After I’ve started being interested in photography, I photographed my mother while she was doing her chores. You have always been my only port of refuge in all storms, and you will always be my shelter, my dear mother. It turns out that the most beautiful word in my language and in my brain is your name. Every time I call you, either my pain subsides or my love grows: "Mother!". Thank you, mother, for loving me truthfully in this huge world full of lies!

This collection consists of 8 photographs. Photographs will not be added or removed.

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Erstellt am
Jun 2022
  • Locate: Trabzon / turkey