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Mintpass EveryNFT

Landingpage and Minting:

The Mintpass EveryNFT grants early access (WL) to EveryNFT projects like Cyclops, Women Hackers Club, HexNouns, Land of the Zombies and many more. It gives you access to real Life Events like a Summer Berlin NFT meetup, Zoom Conferences with special guests. On-Site real life minting at participating galleries as well as Metaverse Access to our WorldWideWebb Apartment, future Sandbox Land and DCL Headquarter of EveyNFT. We are building a Community of engaging frens.

Many benefits: ✅ 15% Reduced Mint price for Cyclops + Women Hackers Club (both projects up to 3 mints) ✅ WL Spots to external projects ✅ Exclusive Discord Channel with Special Role ✅ Invite to Get-Together Event in Berlin in Summer 2022 ✅ Special Zoom Conferences with guests and exclusive interviews. ✅ Access to WEBB apartment ✅ Access DCL Headquarter of EveryNFT

EveryNFT is Germany's leading curated NFT platform for artists, brands and collectors.

Erstellt am
Feb 2022
  • Edition: Cronus