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Mantle The Comic

One will make a vow to make sure that this horrific incident doesn’t happen to anyone else. While the other makes sure it doesn’t get the chance. Words vs Action. Compassion vs Lethality. Idealism vs Realism. Can the two truly coexist together? Or does one have to go? The question should be simple- but the world is not black and white, as many would counter. But it is in shades of gray…Some, much darker than others.

Mantle: Shades of Grey chronicles the journey of two extraordinary young boys who began as friends but who are destined to become superheroes: Brave (has a philosophy that a situation can be solved by analyzing the problem and talking about ways to mitigate it without the force of hand) while Renegade (has a mentality that if someone pushes you, you push just as hard if not harder to get the point across;). Join Brave and Renegade as they battle their own demons and the villains in the city of Mettleville! Which one will be victorious? ...

Erstellt am
Feb 2023
  • Cover body: Red night moon