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Mad Droids Devs

Mad Droids is a Web3 mobile game that uses augmented reality (AR) and state-of-the-art geolocation to bring players the latest Web3 gaming experience. In this epic adventure, a group of crazy (Mad) Droids appear randomly around the world. Players aka “Developers” (Devs) must deal with their madness by catching and reprogramming them to make them part of their arsenal. Both Devs and Droids are NFTs.

Players interact with their local environments through their mobile devices anywhere in the world. To be part of this universe and interact with it, players must have one of the 10k Dev NFTs, which will serve as their avatar. Thus, similar to how Pokémon Go™ works, players can use their smartphones to physically search for these Mad Droids in hopes to capture, collect, and earn.

Erstellt am
Dec 2022
  • Body: Turquoise sports suit