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In The Twinkle of Your Eye by Studio Phototrope

In the pitch darkness of night-time journeys through Kaziranga’s wildlife corridors, the road is illuminated by headlights alone. Retroreflectors that dot the roadsides help with navigating the way home, a skill once dependent on decoding the night sky. Inspired by this, In The Twinkle Of Your Eye is a map of the visible stars in the night sky rendered in retroreflective stickers. Through the process of crafting and studying the various components of the piece - the map, the stickers, the codification, the mistakes along the way - the role of human agency becomes increasingly apparent. We have noted only that which we can see. A pair of binoculars aiding the human eye makes many more stars visible. We are part of the natural systems we try to denote, discover, and understand. We are limited and propelled by the capabilities of our evolving knowledge systems, technologies, and bodies.

This is an NFT edition of In the Twinkle of Your Eye part of the body of work titled Phototrope.

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Erstellt am
Jun 2022