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Florida & Therapy = Florapy

This collection of 50 photographs were taken during my first two years in Florida as I was getting to know my new home state in the middle of a pandemic. I had never visited Florida before moving here. I believe nature heals. Experiencing Florida's lovely beaches, the white sands of Longboat Key and the beautiful sea shells of Palm Beach -- all these things soothes the soul. I want to capture nature's therapy in my photos and share them with you. Observing nature with my eyes, and then with my camera, allows me to process the beauty of Florida's beaches twice. It allows me to replicate that feeling. It is my hope that you will find Florapy a place where you can relax and restore your equilibrium. Where you can be here in Florida and feel your worries melt away. There, you hear the ocean now. This collection is a visualization of what has helped me in these trying times.

I invite you to become a guardian of Florapy.

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Erstellt am
Oct 2021