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DHB Fight Club

Mighty new quests for the Marvelous DieHardBirdie! DieHardBirdie is born to be a champ fighter! The CS:GO world champion deserves to be the superhero in his own comic book. He takes down his enemies, one punch or bullet at a time. Don't forget the Birdie call! DieHardBirdie aka Abbe Borg is the world's oldest esports champion, a cool and calm gamer and grandpa extraordinaire. He is the League Ambassador of Original Gamer Life ( - a paragon of mental, physical, and social health in gaming. DieHardBirdie is the best example of a #CryptoRenaissanceSenior as he enters his 80s. He epitomizes the adage, "age is just a number." From being an artist for 50 years to learning how to play video games in his mid-70s, then the world championship at 78, & now streaming his gameplays on Twitch, DHB's journey has just begun! There are no signs of DieHardBirdie stopping anytime soon. He may be a grandpa gamer but he is nothing short of a superhero in his own right, just without the cape.

Erstellt am
Oct 2022