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DeGenerative Apepes

In the lab, the eccentric Doctor Borja, created the serum that was supposed to save the world from depression by bringing laughter and joy to every troubled soul. By a horrible mistake, he got the mixture wrong, and instead the serum mutated the subject’s appearance to nonrecognition.

The test subjects; some Rare Apepes, who paid .01 eth for entry, destroyed the lab in rage when they saw what they had become. The Doctor fled and the degenerate Apepes took all the serum and built an army of De'Generative Apepes to take over the world and free the people of memes.

1,500 meme-free degens with nothing to lose, they give no quarters and no promises. Only a single Twitter account reports on their behalf.

Erstellt am
Aug 2022
  • Skin: Green mutated