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ControlNet Zukis

Behold the looming crest of a new wave, crashing down with an ominous force. But this time, the surfing is treacherous and fraught with danger. Barriers once broken are now fortified, and the communities that were once open are now closed and exclusive.

Gone are the days of simple currency - now, magic internet money is the only viable means of exchange. And even that is controlled by an elite few, who use it to consolidate their power and influence over the masses.

Those who refuse to conform to this new reality are cast out and left to fend for themselves. And for those who dare to question the system, the only response they receive is a cold, dismissive "gm" - a clear indication that they are not welcome in this new world.

Some may try to escape, to jump down a peculiar rabbit hole in search of a better life. But in this dystopian future, there is no escape from the oppressive system that rules over all.

Erstellt am
Mar 2023
  • Hair: Brown long