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College Admission

Each piece is listed for the amount of debt I have at each school.

More of an all-encompassing performance art piece than it is a traditional NFT project, College Admission spanned ten months, nine academic institutions, and three states. I've set the price on each photo to be the amount that I still owe in federal student loans at that institution. If I don't have any student loan debt at an institution, the photo will simply be up for auction.

I ruminated on this project for months before starting and I quickly realized that not only is the stigma behind having student loan debt building on a principal shame of not having enough money to support one's self during college, there's an added element of shame in disclosing just how much you've spent, and on what degree. Culturally, $100,000 on a JD is far different than $100,000 on an MFA.

I know. I have two (MFAs).

My hope with this project is to depillory student loan debt, the pursuit of higher education, and financial regret.

Erstellt am
Sep 2022