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Collection size: 10'000

Our mission is it to bring the ClimateWorm to the community and also to people who don’t know NFT’s yet. With CW we wanna tell people a story about the challenges the worm has to face because of environmental impact… Like in chapter one the little worm is alone on a ice floe, where he is not able to return to his friends the Penguins…

So to sum up we wanna bring people to think about there behaviour in a creative way ;)

Also in the future there will be an exclusive merchandise, a NFT game, where you can win new CW NFT’s which are not yet public. Maybe it will also be possible to get a real worm-box (compost worms) by buying a rare NFT…

Support our Climateworm and thus our project to make our contribution and take responsibility.

With every purchase of a Climateworm NFT we donate 10% to non-profit organizations that help our environment and support people in distress.

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Erstellt am
Dec 2021
  • Ears: Elf