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California Memories by Casara Moon

A collection by Casara Moon

This collection is a reminder to appreciate the beauty of where you grew up as it can be so easy to overlook what is right in front of you.

It took leaving California to realize what I had left behind. I had no memories of exploring the National Parks or the vast coastline, I always thought of the cities as over-crowded, and I had never spent time enjoying a sunrise.

I realized that 23 years of my life were spent longing to leave California and now, with a camera and a new passion for photography, all I wanted was to go back.

So I did.

I spent the last few years using my time off to take road trips back home, spending weeks on the road, from Yosemite to Death Valley, Santa Barbara to San Francisco, Big Sur to the Redwoods. I created all new memories of home within these photographs.

I am so excited to share this collection of memories, 25 1/1 photographs, of what makes California truly special.

Erstellt am
Aug 2021