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Alessandra Sanguinetti

For more than two decades, the Magnum photographer Alessandra Sanguinetti captured the lives and imaginations of two cousins in rural Argentina. Sanguinetti’s images portray a childhood that is both familiar and exceptional. This collection is an edit derived from two bodies of work — The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams was published with Nazareli Press and exhibited at Yossi Milo Gallery in 2010. The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and The Illusion of an Everlasting Summer was published a decade later with MACK.

Sanguinetti’s work reads like a poem. The images, like standalone allegories, gesture toward the fantasies, hopes, and apprehensions of the two young girls as they grow from adolescence into adulthood. We experience different rites passage: they try-on different personas and perform for their idea of girlhood; adolescence evolves into womanhood and the imaginings of the young settle into the identities of young women.

Erstellt am
Feb 2022
  • Year: 2001