##Oil on canvas; Size: 150/200; Creation: 2020
About the painting (EN): The pandemic...no one, no country in the world has been able to escape this virus. It has influenced life, daily, everywhere, with significant changes, for everyone.
Über das Gemälde (DE): Die Pandemie…niemand, keine Land der Welt hat sich diesem Virus entziehen können. Es hat Einfluß genommen auf das Leben, täglich, überall, mit gravierenden Veränderungen, für alle.
#Metamorphoses 2000-2022 Real world oil paintings as NFT collection
The collection showcases examples of change and transformation, both in interaction and in individual works of art. The interplay and overarching significance of the elements in the development of nature and its impact on us. The community, pairs, and singular aspects.
Painting technique: All paintings are created using brush, palette knife, and/or layering techniques. Natural bristle brushes provide a visible texture. The different palette knives, made of metal, plastic or wood, allow me to layer multiple layers of oil paint while still wet. I prefer to stay abstract, with loose outlines, flowing expression and paintings that evolve during the creation process.
- PreisPreis in USDMengeAblaufdatumVon
- PreisPreis in USDMengeDifferenz zum MindestpreisAblaufdatumVon
- PreisPreis in USDMengeAblaufdatumVon
- PreisPreis in USDMengeDifferenz zum MindestpreisAblaufdatumVon
##Oil on canvas; Size: 150/200; Creation: 2020
About the painting (EN): The pandemic...no one, no country in the world has been able to escape this virus. It has influenced life, daily, everywhere, with significant changes, for everyone.
Über das Gemälde (DE): Die Pandemie…niemand, keine Land der Welt hat sich diesem Virus entziehen können. Es hat Einfluß genommen auf das Leben, täglich, überall, mit gravierenden Veränderungen, für alle.
#Metamorphoses 2000-2022 Real world oil paintings as NFT collection
The collection showcases examples of change and transformation, both in interaction and in individual works of art. The interplay and overarching significance of the elements in the development of nature and its impact on us. The community, pairs, and singular aspects.
Painting technique: All paintings are created using brush, palette knife, and/or layering techniques. Natural bristle brushes provide a visible texture. The different palette knives, made of metal, plastic or wood, allow me to layer multiple layers of oil paint while still wet. I prefer to stay abstract, with loose outlines, flowing expression and paintings that evolve during the creation process.