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none Book: History of Russia in dates and events. 1500-1600. Author: I.S. Book: History of Russia in dates and events. Book: History of Russia in dates and events. 1500-1600. Author: I.S. Publisher: Olma Media Group Year of publication: 2004 Pages: 320 ISBN: 5-7684-0916-1 Language: Russian Format: djvu Quality: excellent Size: 10 MB Annotation: The book contains dates and facts characterizing the political path of Russia from the end of the 15th century until the beginning of the 20th century. It also contains dates that can be called milestones in the history of Russia. These are dates associated with transformations in the economy and culture. These events provide the key to understanding the further development of the country. The publication is intended to serve as a teaching aid in the study of national history for schoolchildren and teachers Related content: History of Russia in dates and events. 170
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none Book: History of Russia in dates and events. 1500-1600. Author: I.S. Book: History of Russia in dates and events. Book: History of Russia in dates and events. 1500-1600. Author: I.S. Publisher: Olma Media Group Year of publication: 2004 Pages: 320 ISBN: 5-7684-0916-1 Language: Russian Format: djvu Quality: excellent Size: 10 MB Annotation: The book contains dates and facts characterizing the political path of Russia from the end of the 15th century until the beginning of the 20th century. It also contains dates that can be called milestones in the history of Russia. These are dates associated with transformations in the economy and culture. These events provide the key to understanding the further development of the country. The publication is intended to serve as a teaching aid in the study of national history for schoolchildren and teachers Related content: History of Russia in dates and events. 170
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