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worlds scrap cars

They once were the kings of the road, driving for miles on the streets and trails of this world. Cars, mopeds, trucks, carts and all sorts of vehicles that got us from A to B or carrying heavy loads. As we cycled more than 50,000 km around the world, we saw many incredible vehicles that were built by humans to be used for transportation. In this collection we have selected the most outstanding means of transport. Most of them already passed their best days. They either crashed completely but keep existing to donate parts to other vehicles or more or less serve their purpose and are still in use on the streets of this world. Welcome to our collection of the most fascinating scrap vehicles!

Vector graphic comic style is used to underline the different degrees of destruction while softening its raw look of the vehicle. The focus is on scrap, which still seems to fulfill its purpose. It is amazing how much effort people put into trying to make these skeletons roadworthy and still usable.

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Aug 2022
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