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Unearthed Archives Vol 1: Whirlpools

Unearthed Archives: A series of bodies of work containing photos from my archives that I have been unearthing as way to heal my past and also to rediscover myself.

Whirlpools: 2012-2013 Looking out the window while in transit is something we all do, picking from the ever changing scene whatever it is that peaks our interest. We follow it until our eyes strain or at least until something else that is more interesting shows up and we skip ahead, making a sweeping motion from the front to the back of the window. I see it as a paddling motion, as though you were on a boat, propelling yourself forward along a perpetually flowing visual narrative, and as you paddle in this visual sea, you leave whirlpools behind. In the whirl or storm is the stuff you never managed to focus on and in the eye is your peak interest . In this series I try to replicate that particular experience and at the same time give myself a second chance to examine a scene. This is a collection of My peak interests

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Mar 2022
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  • Country: Kenya