Synth City Genesis Collection is a groundbreaking NFT series featuring 1001 unique items, each with its distinct traits. These items form the backbone of Synth City's digital society, representing diverse archetypes and their habitats. As you explore the collection, you'll encounter a rich tapestry of stories and personalities, reflecting the intricate fabric of Synth City's dystopian landscape. Join us as we build, connect, and thrive together in the endless possibilities of Synth City. Visit for lore and details about RETROBLOCK and Synth City.
Synth City Genesis Collection is a groundbreaking NFT series featuring 1001 unique items, each with its distinct traits. These items form the backbone of Synth City's digital society, representing diverse archetypes and their habitats. As you explore the collection, you'll encounter a rich tapestry of stories and personalities, reflecting the intricate fabric of Synth City's dystopian landscape. Join us as we build, connect, and thrive together in the endless possibilities of Synth City. Visit for lore and details about RETROBLOCK and Synth City.
Synth City Genesis Collection is a groundbreaking NFT series featuring 1001 unique items, each with its distinct traits. These items form the backbone of Synth City's digital society, representing diverse archetypes and their habitats. As you explore the collection, you'll encounter a rich tapestry of stories and personalities, reflecting the intricate fabric of Synth City's dystopian landscape. Join us as we build, connect, and thrive together in the endless possibilities of Synth City. Visit for lore and details about RETROBLOCK and Synth City.
· 1,001
· Jun 2024
Creator earnings
· 5%