The SunGap is an initiative by the Sun Blocks DAO, consisting in gathering 1110 Sunsets from all over the world and reunite them as a series of NFTs that would be sold for charity. 100% of the sales will go the the Syngap Research Fund, a charity organization dedicated to find a cure for Syngap1, a rare brain disease affecting thousands of young children all over the world. You can find more information about SRF and Syngap here :
The SunGap initiative is still going on twitter :
The SunGap is an initiative by the Sun Blocks DAO, consisting in gathering 1110 Sunsets from all over the world and reunite them as a series of NFTs that would be sold for charity. 100% of the sales will go the the Syngap Research Fund, a charity organization dedicated to find a cure for Syngap1, a rare brain disease affecting thousands of young children all over the world. You can find more information about SRF and Syngap here :
The SunGap initiative is still going on twitter :