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Step 2 Blind box Serie - Super Hodler 3D

JEG NFT Collection ✨ Dive into "Super Hodler" in 3D, my collab with @101 Media, elevating my art from 2D to a vibrant 3D world. Super Hodler, with his Ledger, is on a quest for Bitcoins. With each purchase:

✨ 10 might unveil an Ultra Rare golden frame ✨ 20 might reveal a Rare silver frame ✨ 1 easter eggs

These aren't just NFTs. They're interoperable gems, ready for display across Veveverse, Spatial & more.

So how it works ? When you purchase this NFT on Step 1 Collection , you're also embarking on a blind box journey. Only after acquisition will a concealed phrase unlock exclusively for you, revealing your NFT's rarity and unique Mint number.  Whether you land the opulent gold or the refined silver edition, your authentic NFT will be directly sent to the wallet with which you made the purchase.

A bonus awaits a holder! Plus, once all 31 NFTs sell, a lucky owner receives the original 50x70cm painting🎁 Ready to dive in? 🎨🚀

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Aug 2023
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