HomePage(http://ssugi.world) 'SSUGI' is a Metaverse virtual human project that crosses the Metaverse and reality. 'SSUGI', who lived in the Metaverse, is first introduced to the world as an NFT, and begins activities crossing the Metaverse and the real world. In Metaverse, 'SSUGI' is a [photographer] who likes sports, and is an [influencer] with a side job as a model. 'SSUGI' NFT holders will have the right to share the activity profits of Metaverse Virtual Human 'SSUGI'. In addition, 'SSUGI' NFT will be in charge of the ecosystem of Chartpan.com and ChartpanToken.
HomePage(http://ssugi.world) 'SSUGI' is a Metaverse virtual human project that crosses the Metaverse and reality. 'SSUGI', who lived in the Metaverse, is first introduced to the world as an NFT, and begins activities crossing the Metaverse and the real world. In Metaverse, 'SSUGI' is a [photographer] who likes sports, and is an [influencer] with a side job as a model. 'SSUGI' NFT holders will have the right to share the activity profits of Metaverse Virtual Human 'SSUGI'. In addition, 'SSUGI' NFT will be in charge of the ecosystem of Chartpan.com and ChartpanToken.
· 1,486
· May 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%