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About this collection

ERC 721

sssymbolsss is an Open Edition of building blocks, by Darcel, that represent a coded language. sssymbolsss are both a visual treats and a coded method of communication 🟥 🟢 🟦

Each shape inside your sssymbolsss represents a letter - can you decode the puzzle and figure out which shape represents which letter?

How does it work?
  1. Mint your sssymbolsss

  2. Decode your sssymbolsss

  3. Create your own coded messages to sent to frens


After mint we’ll release the DECODER. The DECODER will allow you to figure out which letters are hidden inside your sssymbolsss. Remember - each shape inside your sssymbolsss represents a letter.

The more letters you have the better. More letters means you'll be able to create your own, more detailed coded messages. You can't WAGMI without a W right? You need a W, an A, a G, a M, and an I 🤓

Create Codes

During Summer we’ll release the CODER, a web app that allows you to create YOUR OWN coded messages to send and communicate with.

What kind of codes you can create will depend on which letters your sssymbolsss NFTs contain - the more letters the more complex and detailed your codes can be.