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Space Punks Gotham

S p a c e P u n k s G o t h a m ( I of IV)

Space Punks Gotham is a generative art collection. It combines 3D and 2D graphics designed by delice, and animated compositions generated by scripts. It is a celebration of decentralized network, and the liberation of digital space emphasizing the harmony of imperfection

The collection has a total of 500 pieces of Space Punks Gotham. Entire collection will dump in four separate rounds.

| 1st dump: 80 items of First generation SpacePunks |
| 2nd dump: 80 items of Second generation SpacePunks |
| 3rd dump: 140 items of Third generation SpacePunks |
| 4th dump: 200 items of Forth generation SpacePunks |

First generation of Space Punks can be purchased directly. Thereafter following generations will be auctioned.

Free give-aways can be collected on a first come, first served basis. Give-aways will be announced on Twitter, Instagram, Discord.

Follow delice (@toptaydel) on twitter and instagram.

Unique items
Total items
Sep 2021
Creator earnings
  • Bg: Red and black