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Shadow Archeress

About this collection

ERC 721

is a collection of 5,000 generative pfp NFT's. Art showcasing the dark, minimalist silhouettes of an archeress.

When Shadow Archeress #5000 is claimed, shadows awaken, archeress shoot ceaselessly, and NFTs come to life.

6% minted302 / 5,000
Weekly Update:

✓ Shadow Archeress is now available for trading on Rarible.

✓ Shadow Archeress is now available for trading on Magic Eden.

✓ Minted 302 NFTs

✓ 58 holders

✓ The first phase of the project is ongoing.

✓ Minting is now available on OpenSea.

▪️ I'm open to collaborations with NFT artists and projects. Feel free to reach out to me via direct message on Twitter if you're interested.