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Scramble Presents - Coffin Boy, by Nemanja Bogdanov

Nemanja Bogdanov (pronounced: Nemanya Bogdanov) is a world renowned and acclaimed digital artist that hails from the Serbian portion of the Pannonian flatlands. Born in July of the ominous year of 1989, he currently lives and creates in the city of Novi Sad, the second largest city of the Republic of Serbia. Reducing him to a moniker of an artist would be a discredit to him and a disservice to us all. From street art circles to peaks of mountains, from the grappling mats to the Amazon Rainforest, he could be found there. Nemanja is a world travelle, an adventurer, a fighter and on top of all that an artist with a vast mind, an ironclad character, stern integrity and charm born from a life that started very modestly all in the fog of war. All these compliments and titles he would never use for himself and would probably flat out reject.

His illustration "Coffin Boy" is Nemanja's own depiction of the mortality that awaits us all.

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Dec 2021
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