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January 5, 2022 — . Send activity duration/error/throttle metrics AWS API #842; Update the readme file to provide more information about the driver options and the #844 tag. To receive status messages from AWS, use the AWS Logging API. The AWS Logging API provides the ability to display information about the status of all or selected queue levels, as well as the level and duration of activities in the queue. The AWS Logging API also allows you to query specific requests in queues. If the "All Queues" option is enabled in the AWS Logging API, the following status information for all queues will be displayed 29a7f46325
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January 5, 2022 — . Send activity duration/error/throttle metrics AWS API #842; Update the readme file to provide more information about the driver options and the #844 tag. To receive status messages from AWS, use the AWS Logging API. The AWS Logging API provides the ability to display information about the status of all or selected queue levels, as well as the level and duration of activities in the queue. The AWS Logging API also allows you to query specific requests in queues. If the "All Queues" option is enabled in the AWS Logging API, the following status information for all queues will be displayed 29a7f46325
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