Holding RWAT not only means that you have the right to get the signed hand-embellished print, on which the artist creates his derivative work, but also enjoys a share of the royalties from the sales of prints of the artist's designated artworks in the Chinese market within a specific period of time. 持有RWAT,不僅代表擁有藝術家對版畫進行二次創作的實物版畫的提貨權,同時還享有特定時間內藝術家指定藝術品在中國市場的版畫銷售版稅分成;
Holding RWAT not only means that you have the right to get the signed hand-embellished print, on which the artist creates his derivative work, but also enjoys a share of the royalties from the sales of prints of the artist's designated artworks in the Chinese market within a specific period of time. 持有RWAT,不僅代表擁有藝術家對版畫進行二次創作的實物版畫的提貨權,同時還享有特定時間內藝術家指定藝術品在中國市場的版畫銷售版稅分成;
Holding RWAT not only means that you have the right to get the signed hand-embellished print, on which the artist creates his derivative work, but also enjoys a share of the royalties from the sales of prints of the artist's designated artworks in the Chinese market within a specific period of time. 持有RWAT,不僅代表擁有藝術家對版畫進行二次創作的實物版畫的提貨權,同時還享有特定時間內藝術家指定藝術品在中國市場的版畫銷售版稅分成;
· 22
· Apr 2024
Creator earnings
· 0.5%