Paranoid Apocalyptic is a generative NFT art collection produced by Singapore artist Pras The Bandit and UKISS Technology. Comprising 99 different NFTs, the collection is based on the tale of Isla, the punk rocker on a mission to restore a virus-ravaged world conquered by cold-blooded mythical creatures known as Sir Salamander. Isla may have The Hallowed Guerrillas by her side, but her journey to finding the cure remains in jeopardy, especially with the two-faced Petrus in her way. Paranoid Apocalyptic owners can redeem their NFT once for one year of access to U-Archive, a software that lets you encrypt multiple files in a single folder with the UKISS Hugware® hardware wallet. The offer is not transferrable to subsequent NFT owners.
Paranoid Apocalyptic is a generative NFT art collection produced by Singapore artist Pras The Bandit and UKISS Technology. Comprising 99 different NFTs, the collection is based on the tale of Isla, the punk rocker on a mission to restore a virus-ravaged world conquered by cold-blooded mythical creatures known as Sir Salamander. Isla may have The Hallowed Guerrillas by her side, but her journey to finding the cure remains in jeopardy, especially with the two-faced Petrus in her way. Paranoid Apocalyptic owners can redeem their NFT once for one year of access to U-Archive, a software that lets you encrypt multiple files in a single folder with the UKISS Hugware® hardware wallet. The offer is not transferrable to subsequent NFT owners.