Obscure Altered Abstract Glitch images from a collection of photographs taken from the most remote areas on Earth. // Version 2.
Where it all started: https://opensea.io/collection/obscure-alteration
ob·scure | /əbˈskyo͝or/ adjective; not discovered or known about; uncertain //
al·ter·a·tion | /ˌȯl-tə-ˈrā-shən/ noun; the act or process of altering something
Obscure Altered Abstract Glitch images from a collection of photographs taken from the most remote areas on Earth. // Version 2.
Where it all started: https://opensea.io/collection/obscure-alteration
ob·scure | /əbˈskyo͝or/ adjective; not discovered or known about; uncertain //
al·ter·a·tion | /ˌȯl-tə-ˈrā-shən/ noun; the act or process of altering something
· 701
· Sep 2021
Creator earnings
· 7%