Mojos are powerful plant heroes brought forth by the planet to battle the deadly threat known as the Scourge. These are the original Mojo Collection, sprouted from Moj-Seeds, and 3D playable game characters in Mojo Melee and future games and experiences set inside the Planet Mojo Universe.
Mojos are powerful plant heroes brought forth by the planet to battle the deadly threat known as the Scourge. These are the original Mojo Collection, sprouted from Moj-Seeds, and 3D playable game characters in Mojo Melee and future games and experiences set inside the Planet Mojo Universe.
Mojos are powerful plant heroes brought forth by the planet to battle the deadly threat known as the Scourge. These are the original Mojo Collection, sprouted from Moj-Seeds, and 3D playable game characters in Mojo Melee and future games and experiences set inside the Planet Mojo Universe.
· 665
· Jun 2022
Creator earnings
· 5%