MetaDrive was created by alien Alpheratz. It is a project to enrich the people of Earth and is based on mining in daily life. M.D Token is compensated according to the distance traveled through the MetaDrive mining app. Owning a MetaDrive NFT automatically compensates for M.D Token every day by technology that transcends time and space of Alpheratz. The color of the Alpheratz changes depending on the sunlight during the day, night, and sunset. And they always carry invitations to invite people on Earth to their UFOs.
You can find the story of Alpheratz at MetaDrive's mining app is downloaded from Adroid IOS
MetaDrive was created by alien Alpheratz. It is a project to enrich the people of Earth and is based on mining in daily life. M.D Token is compensated according to the distance traveled through the MetaDrive mining app. Owning a MetaDrive NFT automatically compensates for M.D Token every day by technology that transcends time and space of Alpheratz. The color of the Alpheratz changes depending on the sunlight during the day, night, and sunset. And they always carry invitations to invite people on Earth to their UFOs.
You can find the story of Alpheratz at MetaDrive's mining app is downloaded from Adroid IOS
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· Jun 2022
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