Meta Maniacs is a Decentralized Gaming Project consisting of various games that require different skill sets and technique. If you hold a Maniac NFT, you can enter our stake to earn a Meta Muttz from our next exclusive collection that will be gifted to those who stake, via free mint. Your Maniac NFT will be integrated in game and this will be your avatar that you use. Your Maniac will also give you access to Exclusive merch drops, the Maniac DAO, Digital land in the Metaverse, and advantages in our P2E game like exclusive wearables and upgrades etc.
Meta Maniacs is a Decentralized Gaming Project consisting of various games that require different skill sets and technique. If you hold a Maniac NFT, you can enter our stake to earn a Meta Muttz from our next exclusive collection that will be gifted to those who stake, via free mint. Your Maniac NFT will be integrated in game and this will be your avatar that you use. Your Maniac will also give you access to Exclusive merch drops, the Maniac DAO, Digital land in the Metaverse, and advantages in our P2E game like exclusive wearables and upgrades etc.
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