Lady with Pomeranian is an oil painting on canvas produced in June 2022 by Pascal Boyart.
The work has 2 particularities; it consists of a physical work, the canvas, as well as a digital work, the NFT
These two works hide a puzzle riddle that allows whoever finds the solution to become the owner of the 1/1 NFT
Alongside this 1/1 NFT which is the reward reserved for whoever finds the key to the enigma, a collection of multiple editions has also been produced & is on sale for the duration of the enigma
There are 7 sets of multiple NFTs, one set for each effect applied to the Pomeranian (In order: Glitch, Arcade, Holo, TV Screen, Psychedelic, Glossy & Pixel). Each series has 7 NFTs
To summarize; there are 7 series of 7 NFTs = 49 NFTs in multiple editions + 1 NFT in single edition (1/1) = 50 NFTs in total
The 7 series of 7 NFTs are unlocked as the puzzle clues are deciphered, if a clue is discovered, we will manually trigger the new series
Lady with Pomeranian is an oil painting on canvas produced in June 2022 by Pascal Boyart.
The work has 2 particularities; it consists of a physical work, the canvas, as well as a digital work, the NFT
These two works hide a puzzle riddle that allows whoever finds the solution to become the owner of the 1/1 NFT
Alongside this 1/1 NFT which is the reward reserved for whoever finds the key to the enigma, a collection of multiple editions has also been produced & is on sale for the duration of the enigma
There are 7 sets of multiple NFTs, one set for each effect applied to the Pomeranian (In order: Glitch, Arcade, Holo, TV Screen, Psychedelic, Glossy & Pixel). Each series has 7 NFTs
To summarize; there are 7 series of 7 NFTs = 49 NFTs in multiple editions + 1 NFT in single edition (1/1) = 50 NFTs in total
The 7 series of 7 NFTs are unlocked as the puzzle clues are deciphered, if a clue is discovered, we will manually trigger the new series
· 50
· Jun 2022
Creator earnings
· 5%