"Artists Portraits" unfolds an AI-aided voyage into the essence of iconic artists through animated portraits, each styled in the artist's signature flair. As they speak in their own revered words, a dialogue across time is evoked. Coupled with an original score by KUSH crafted on Cubase Pro, this series transcends a mere viewing experience into a multi-sensory journey. It's a celebration of artistry, merging the brushstrokes of the past with digital impressions of the future, forging a new narrative in the annals of artistic expression.
"Artists Portraits" unfolds an AI-aided voyage into the essence of iconic artists through animated portraits, each styled in the artist's signature flair. As they speak in their own revered words, a dialogue across time is evoked. Coupled with an original score by KUSH crafted on Cubase Pro, this series transcends a mere viewing experience into a multi-sensory journey. It's a celebration of artistry, merging the brushstrokes of the past with digital impressions of the future, forging a new narrative in the annals of artistic expression.
· 11
· Sep 2023
Creator earnings
· 10%