Inverted Pepe is the first inverted token ever. And not only this: the contract has god given numbers, too! He starts like Pepe with 0x69 and ends with Elon Musk´s numbers 42069.
The token adress on the Ethereum chain: 0x69D29F1b0cC37d8d3B61583c99Ad0ab926142069
Inverted Pepe is the first inverted token ever. And not only this: the contract has god given numbers, too! He starts like Pepe with 0x69 and ends with Elon Musk´s numbers 42069.
The token adress on the Ethereum chain: 0x69D29F1b0cC37d8d3B61583c99Ad0ab926142069
· 69
· Mar 2024
Creator earnings
· 5%