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November 30, 2021 Use Creative Cloud Packager to create new license files and apply licenses to an existing user base. AdobeSerialization and . NET Framework are not supported. Another method can be used to apply to a license. â– Using the Adobe Creative Cloud License Export Packager, use the new license exporter to export Adobe Creative Cloud licenses to .lic or .xml file format. The license exporter can also export licenses in .licx format. â– With a passport file, you can export licenses to .lic or .xml using the license exporter. 29a7f46325
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November 30, 2021 Use Creative Cloud Packager to create new license files and apply licenses to an existing user base. AdobeSerialization and . NET Framework are not supported. Another method can be used to apply to a license. â– Using the Adobe Creative Cloud License Export Packager, use the new license exporter to export Adobe Creative Cloud licenses to .lic or .xml file format. The license exporter can also export licenses in .licx format. â– With a passport file, you can export licenses to .lic or .xml using the license exporter. 29a7f46325