OliveX Fitness Metaverse collaborated with fitness apparel brand Gym Aesthetics to bring exclusive P2E gamified fitness experience to players on the Sandbox. The first drop of the collection is 1,111 Gym A Club playable avatars with 5 different characters and varying rarities including five-time Muay Thai World Champion Alain Ngalani will be available for purchase with DOSE tokens from Jun 20 - 22.
The Gym A Club pass gives exclusive minting opportunities to players. Gold Pass Holders will receive the priority mint, followed by Silver Pass Holders the following day. Public sale will open at the end for any of the remaining avatars.
DOSE is the utility token of OliveX Fitness Metaverse, including its signature M2E Dustland - a project supported by strategic partner Animoca Brands.
OliveX Fitness Metaverse collaborated with fitness apparel brand Gym Aesthetics to bring exclusive P2E gamified fitness experience to players on the Sandbox. The first drop of the collection is 1,111 Gym A Club playable avatars with 5 different characters and varying rarities including five-time Muay Thai World Champion Alain Ngalani will be available for purchase with DOSE tokens from Jun 20 - 22.
The Gym A Club pass gives exclusive minting opportunities to players. Gold Pass Holders will receive the priority mint, followed by Silver Pass Holders the following day. Public sale will open at the end for any of the remaining avatars.
DOSE is the utility token of OliveX Fitness Metaverse, including its signature M2E Dustland - a project supported by strategic partner Animoca Brands.
Unique items
· 2
Total items
· 6,145
· Jun 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%