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About this collection

ERC 721

Welcome to the world of the greats of history.

DIDO NFT has proudly prepared for you the collection of NFTs of one of the most prominent figures of contemporary history. This collection consists of two separate layerings designed and produced so that each item randomly has a unique layering of the image of Atatürk and the separation of the cities of Turkey. In addition, every item besides Atatürk's image is unique to a city with the same city code.The purpose of this work is to confirm the slogan: Atatürk is the father of all Turks.

It should be noted that a part of the income from this collection will be spent on charity for the recent earthquake in Turkey

3.1% minted120 / 3,819
Mustafa Kemal AtaTürk

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, with strong leadership and bold decisions, worked to modernize and transform Turkey into a modern country by overcoming the effects of war and old prejudices. Economic reconstruction, political and social reforms, cultural transformation, planning for educational reconstruction, industrial development, and improving government structures were among the measures he took. He supported Turkey's minorities and allowed them to participate in politics and the administration of the country.

Ataturk was a hero who tried to turn Turkey into a great and successful country that would be remembered forever in world history.


The purpose of building the Atatürk’s NFT collection is to investigate the following:

There is a specific goal that most collections in the NFT industry follow… By doing so, the creator of the piece has taken into account a specific goal and strategy for the piece. Atatürk’s famous works by Dido’s NFT group Pursue only one goal. How could we attain a greater goal than to introduce Atatürk to all people around the globe? In the field of NFT and blockchain, what could be a more valuable goal than preserving the character of Atatürk? Is there a more meaningful goal than to enable the admirers of Atatürk’s national personality to become owners of his prominent NFTs on blockchain? The Dido Group is delighted to provide this valuable and prestigious service to all Turkish people and all Turkish speakers worldwide who consider Mustafa Kemal to be the most outstanding Turkish personality in the world