The Galaxy Habbos is a collection of 4,000 unique, voxelized avatars, fully usable in The Sandbox while also providing access to exclusive clothing items in Habbo after the reveal day. Note that the Habbo utility may be launched slightly later than the reveal. Obtain one and represent yourself as a Habbo across The Sandbox Metaverse. On top of all premium avatar perks, these avatars unlock access to the area inside Habbo Space Hotel!
The Galaxy Habbos is a collection of 4,000 unique, voxelized avatars, fully usable in The Sandbox while also providing access to exclusive clothing items in Habbo after the reveal day. Note that the Habbo utility may be launched slightly later than the reveal. Obtain one and represent yourself as a Habbo across The Sandbox Metaverse. On top of all premium avatar perks, these avatars unlock access to the area inside Habbo Space Hotel!
The Galaxy Habbos is a collection of 4,000 unique, voxelized avatars, fully usable in The Sandbox while also providing access to exclusive clothing items in Habbo after the reveal day. Note that the Habbo utility may be launched slightly later than the reveal. Obtain one and represent yourself as a Habbo across The Sandbox Metaverse. On top of all premium avatar perks, these avatars unlock access to the area inside Habbo Space Hotel!
· 1,537
· Mar 2024
Creator earnings
· 5%