This is the 17th installment of the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. This time, the setting is Higo Province. In real life, it would be the city of Kumamoto and Mount Aso. Aso is the most impressive feature of this area. From there, the Kumamoto Plain spreads out. Aso is a caldera volcano, which is surrounded by mountains like a bowl. The caldera is the result of repeated eruptive activity over many years, resulting in the shape of the caldera. Incidentally, the mountain in the foreground is Kinpusan, which is also a caldera volcano. Kinpusan is a representative volcano of Kumamoto City, but it is not well known. The rivers depicted are, from the center, the Shirakawa River and the Midorigawa River (Kase River). The castle depicted is Kumamoto Castle. The roads depicted are National Routes 3 and 57.
This is the 17th installment of the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. This time, the setting is Higo Province. In real life, it would be the city of Kumamoto and Mount Aso. Aso is the most impressive feature of this area. From there, the Kumamoto Plain spreads out. Aso is a caldera volcano, which is surrounded by mountains like a bowl. The caldera is the result of repeated eruptive activity over many years, resulting in the shape of the caldera. Incidentally, the mountain in the foreground is Kinpusan, which is also a caldera volcano. Kinpusan is a representative volcano of Kumamoto City, but it is not well known. The rivers depicted are, from the center, the Shirakawa River and the Midorigawa River (Kase River). The castle depicted is Kumamoto Castle. The roads depicted are National Routes 3 and 57.
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