This is the 12th installment of the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. This time, the setting is Nagato Province in the Seto Inland Sea. In reality, it is the western part of Yamaguchi Prefecture (Yamaguchi City, Shimonoseki City, Nagato City, etc.). Needless to say, this area is characterized as the westernmost point of Honshu. In the mountains, there is a cave-like area modeled after Akiyoshido Cave. And at the very end, there is the Kanmon Straits. The roads depicted are National Routes 2 and 9.
This is the 12th installment of the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. This time, the setting is Nagato Province in the Seto Inland Sea. In reality, it is the western part of Yamaguchi Prefecture (Yamaguchi City, Shimonoseki City, Nagato City, etc.). Needless to say, this area is characterized as the westernmost point of Honshu. In the mountains, there is a cave-like area modeled after Akiyoshido Cave. And at the very end, there is the Kanmon Straits. The roads depicted are National Routes 2 and 9.
- Color: Purple