This is the ninth installment in the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. The setting this time is Bingo Province and Aki Province in the Seto Inland Sea. In reality, it is the eastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture (Fukuyama City and Higashihiroshima City). This area is characterized by the many islands characteristic of the Seto Inland Sea, as well as the mountainous terrain of the Honshu area. The castle in the placement is Fukuyama Castle. The river depicted is the Ashida River. The only road depicted is National Road No. 2.
This is the ninth installment in the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. The setting this time is Bingo Province and Aki Province in the Seto Inland Sea. In reality, it is the eastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture (Fukuyama City and Higashihiroshima City). This area is characterized by the many islands characteristic of the Seto Inland Sea, as well as the mountainous terrain of the Honshu area. The castle in the placement is Fukuyama Castle. The river depicted is the Ashida River. The only road depicted is National Road No. 2.
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· Oct 2022
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