This is the fourth installment of the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. This time, the setting is Owari Province, Mino Province, and part of Ise Province on the Tokaido Highway. In modern times, it is the western part of Aichi Prefecture, the southern part of Gifu Prefecture, and a part of Mie Prefecture...commonly referred to as the Nagoya metropolitan area. The area is characterized by the expanse of the Nobi Plain. The sea is dominated by Ise Bay, and in part by Mikawa Bay. The rivers depicted are, from right to left, the Yahagi River, Shonai River, Kiso River (Nagara River and Ibi River), and Suzuka River. The roads depicted are National Routes 1, 19, 23, and 42. And Nagoya Castle is also installed. Also, the modern Chubu Electric Power Company Mirai Tower is arranged as an old-fashioned tower. However, there is no way that the tower was built in the same place such a long time ago.
This is the fourth installment of the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. This time, the setting is Owari Province, Mino Province, and part of Ise Province on the Tokaido Highway. In modern times, it is the western part of Aichi Prefecture, the southern part of Gifu Prefecture, and a part of Mie Prefecture...commonly referred to as the Nagoya metropolitan area. The area is characterized by the expanse of the Nobi Plain. The sea is dominated by Ise Bay, and in part by Mikawa Bay. The rivers depicted are, from right to left, the Yahagi River, Shonai River, Kiso River (Nagara River and Ibi River), and Suzuka River. The roads depicted are National Routes 1, 19, 23, and 42. And Nagoya Castle is also installed. Also, the modern Chubu Electric Power Company Mirai Tower is arranged as an old-fashioned tower. However, there is no way that the tower was built in the same place such a long time ago.
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· Sep 2022
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