This is the first installment of the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. This time, the stage is set in Musashi and Sagami Provinces in the Kanto Plain. The sea in the foreground is Tokyo Bay, and the sea on the left is Sagami Bay. The area is characterized by the spread of plains and the concentration of cities along the coast. In the background is the symbol of Japan, Mt Fuji. The rivers depicted are, from right to left, the Arakawa, Sumida, Tama, Tsurumi, and Sagami Rivers. The roads depicted are national highways No. 1, No. 4, No. 6 (combined with No. 4), No. 15, No. 16, No. 17, and No. 20. As it is also in an old-fashioned style, Edo Castle is also set up. Also, the modern Tokyo Tower and Sky Tree are arranged as old towers. However, there is no way that the tower was built in the same place such a long time ago.
This is the first installment of the "Let's Travel Japan through Paintings" series. This time, the stage is set in Musashi and Sagami Provinces in the Kanto Plain. The sea in the foreground is Tokyo Bay, and the sea on the left is Sagami Bay. The area is characterized by the spread of plains and the concentration of cities along the coast. In the background is the symbol of Japan, Mt Fuji. The rivers depicted are, from right to left, the Arakawa, Sumida, Tama, Tsurumi, and Sagami Rivers. The roads depicted are national highways No. 1, No. 4, No. 6 (combined with No. 4), No. 15, No. 16, No. 17, and No. 20. As it is also in an old-fashioned style, Edo Castle is also set up. Also, the modern Tokyo Tower and Sky Tree are arranged as old towers. However, there is no way that the tower was built in the same place such a long time ago.
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