A series created by Keva Epale. Celebrating the power of the Mind through meditation and mindful practises. A collection that portrays a deep connection with a higher power sparking intuition and guidance. Alignment as a goal we can experience during presentness, meditation and beyond.
🔸Free your mind and the rest will follow: the magic happens.
This collection is for the goddess in each one of us, the one that is awaiting to rise. Empowering us to connect, reconnect to our higher power, and thrive in our purpose.
You can see other of my projects here: https://giphy.com/kevaepalestudio or on my website: https://kevaepalestudio.webflow.io/illustration-projects
A series created by Keva Epale. Celebrating the power of the Mind through meditation and mindful practises. A collection that portrays a deep connection with a higher power sparking intuition and guidance. Alignment as a goal we can experience during presentness, meditation and beyond.
🔸Free your mind and the rest will follow: the magic happens.
This collection is for the goddess in each one of us, the one that is awaiting to rise. Empowering us to connect, reconnect to our higher power, and thrive in our purpose.
You can see other of my projects here: https://giphy.com/kevaepalestudio or on my website: https://kevaepalestudio.webflow.io/illustration-projects
· 7
· Jul 2022
Creator earnings
· 5%