What is a Fellowship Print Deed? The Fellowship Print Deed is a NFT that symbolizes your exclusive right to acquire an editioned print (at cost) from a specific artwork within a collection released by Fellowship. It can be stored, used to order your print, or be actively traded on the secondary market.
How do I claim my Print Deed(s)? To claim a Print Deed, access the Fellowship Portfolio Platform. Browse your collections and check whether the Print Deed linked to your selected artwork is still available. If you own the Print Deed and the status is 'Deed Claimed' you can order the print by using the Fellowship Portfolio Platform.
What is a Fellowship Print Deed? The Fellowship Print Deed is a NFT that symbolizes your exclusive right to acquire an editioned print (at cost) from a specific artwork within a collection released by Fellowship. It can be stored, used to order your print, or be actively traded on the secondary market.
How do I claim my Print Deed(s)? To claim a Print Deed, access the Fellowship Portfolio Platform. Browse your collections and check whether the Print Deed linked to your selected artwork is still available. If you own the Print Deed and the status is 'Deed Claimed' you can order the print by using the Fellowship Portfolio Platform.
· 102
· Jun 2023
Creator earnings
· 5%