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Hype hats

Long before fashion as we know it today existed there lived this lonley man. Because no one knew what fashion was everybody had the same clothes and no one tought about it.Till one day this man was out in the woods when it started raining and therefore he grabbed a big leaf from a tree to use as protection. when the man got home later that nght he began to think about how to make a accesory that he could have for a long time, that was light and that was waterprof. He sat and worked on his project for hours and hours and finally he had made the first ever hat. Now the man began to wear it everyday to work and in the woods. the other people in town tought it looked cool so they asked him to make them a hat aswell. This was the first apperance of fashion in the little town known as the Blockchain. When the years passed and the man whoose name was Arthur Fedora grew older and older his skills got sharper and sharper. Today you can even find some of his work in the Blockchain if u are lucky

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